Índice de Compositores Contemporâneos
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Seu portal interativo para o mundo dos compositores contemporâneos
  • para se tornar parte da comunicade criativa de músicos!
  • para publicar, promover e distribuir seu trabalho ao redor do globo!
  • para apresentar você e toda sua criatividade à amantes da música de todo mundo!
  • para vender sua música e direitos de execução para intérpretes!

Barret Anspach

PaísEstados Unidos da América

I grew up in Belle­vue, Wash­ing­ton, with decid­edly pan-artistic inter­ests. While city-planning with Legos and con­coct­ing an alter­nate his­tory of the world (com­plete with maps and lan­guage), I dove nose-first into music, com­plet­ing my first piano piece at age seven with scented col­ored mark­ers and high­lighters on card­board. I then under­went a styl­is­tic shift (‘too con­cep­tual’), and began to write things that could be per­formed more than once. Seat­tle Sym­phony bas­soon­ist Seth Krim­sky com­mented dur­ing a rehearsal that my Three Bagatelles “sound a lot like that Mobil Mas­ter­piece intro.” I have recently grad­u­ated from Juilliard’s accel­er­ated grad­u­ate pro­gram this past May with an MM in Com­po­si­tion. I have stud­ied with Seat­tle Sym­phony Composer-in-Residence Samuel Jones, Peter F. Wolf (née Nagy-Farkas), Eric Flesher and Robert Beaser, and am now in the stu­dio of Samuel Adler. I have had per­for­mances, and myself per­formed, in divers venues about town: at Joe’s Pub, the Gersh­win Hotel, Gala­pa­gos Art Space, Sym­phony Space, etc. In 2005 I received an ASCAP Mor­ton Gould Young Com­poser Award, and have been com­mis­sioned by artists and ensem­bles in both New York and the Pacific North­west. My com­po­si­tions have been pre­sented by the Seat­tle Phil­har­monic, mem­bers of the Seat­tle Sym­phony and New York Youth Sym­phony, and var­i­ous cham­ber ensem­bles. I live in New York.

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