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Hsin-Lei Chen


A native of Taipei, Taiwan, the young rising composer Hsin-Lei Chen received her Bachelor degree from National Taipei University of the Arts (NTUA) studying Composition with Prof. Hung, Chung-Kuen. She studied her Master’s in composition from College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati (CCM) with Prof. Michael Fiday, Prof. Mara Helmuth and Prof. Joel Hoffman. While still a student at NTUA and CCM, Chen has composed numerous instrumental and vocal works for various ensembles, among which Concerto for Violin and Orchestra Deep made finalist in the 2004 Formosa Competition held by the Council of Cultural Affairs in Taiwan. In 2007, her orchestral work, Ebb and Flow, won ERM Media’s competition and recorded by Kiev Philharmonic. Her works have been widely performed in major concert halls including National Concert Hall and Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, Werner Hall in Cincinnati, Carnegie Performing Art Center’s Weill Hall in New York, Sam Sung Music Hall in Seoul, as well as National Performing Art Center in Beijing. Chen is a candidate of Doctor of Musical Arts. She just won a composition competition of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. 陳欣蕾是台灣的新秀作曲家,她大學就讀於國立台北藝術大學(國立藝術學院),師事洪崇焜博士;並在辛辛那提大學取得碩士學位,現在為其博士候選人,在校期間師事Joel Hoffman教授、Michael Fiday博士、Mara Helmuth教授。她創作了很多器樂和合唱曲,其中她的小提琴協奏曲“沈”第一樂章獲得台灣文化建設委員會的樂譜和CD出版,並和指揮家林天吉、旅法小提琴家杜沁雲、台北市交響樂團於台北新舞台合作演出;之後辛辛那提大學邀請她完成這部小提琴協奏曲,共四樂章,於2009年演出;除此之外,她的管絃樂曲“Ebb and Flow”贏得ERM傳媒的作曲大賽,由基輔愛樂錄音,Naxos發行;台北愛樂也多次邀請她創作,“Aqua”、“Bach/Buddha”、“天氣晴(一)”皆是為其創作;亞洲國際學校音樂節也邀請她創作“天氣晴(二)”。她的作品曾在台北國家音樂廳、台北中山堂、辛辛那提Werner音樂廳、紐約卡內基音樂廳、北京國家大劇院、首爾Sam Sung戲劇院演出。由她的創作的音樂劇“藝人學校”將於2010年九月在韓國首爾首演;國立台灣交響樂團委託創作的大型室內樂“源”於此同時,也將在台灣首演。

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