Índice de Compositores Contemporâneos
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Seu portal interativo para o mundo dos compositores contemporâneos
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Edward W. Wolfe II

PaísEstados Unidos da América

Being born in Albuquerque, NM just after WWII, afforded excellent opportunities for learning from some outstanding music educators including Leslie Somerville, Wallace Cleveland, Dr. Kurt Frederick, Dr. Walter Keller, Dr. Bill Seymour, James Whitlow, James Thornton and Morton Schoenfeld. Graduating from the University of New Mexico with a B.M.E. degree and accepting a teaching assistantship while completing an M.M. degree in composition led to a long and satisfying career in Music Education for the Albuquerque Public Schools and the Bonita Unified School District in Southern California.

Returning to the life-style that was so enjoyable in my formative years is proving to be exciting and rewarding. There are a vast number of quality music creators to meet as well as some very accomplished musicians. The opportunity to re-acquaint oneself with some friends from the past is also very satisfying.

Retirement is indeed an exciting time in life and the creation of future Chamber Works is once again becoming a passion and goal.

Edward W. Wolfe II