Hans Timmermans began his professional career in the field of physics until his passion for music brought a radical change to his life. His decision to follow music led him in the 1980’s to private piano and music theory lessons and electronic music composition studies with Ton Bruynèl at the Conservatory of Utrecht. He has been teaching and conducting research projects in music technology since 1985. In 1992 he was appointed senior lecturer at Utrecht School of the Arts where he teaches composition of electronic and computer music, composition for modern dance and various technical courses including music software development.
His current research is on creative processes in Composition of Electroacoustic Music and the specific role that the use of technology has in this context.
He is working on his own composition system cppTK, a script driven package of software for composition, analysis, synthesis, sound-processing, image-processing and image-generation.
His compositional work has been performed in the Netherlands, Germany, Croatia, Russian Federation, Macedonia, Canada and the USA. He composes mainly Electroacoustic Music fitting into the French/Canadian type of Electronic Music. Most of his works are studio-compositions for 2, 4, 6 and 8 loudspeakers.
Email: hans@hanstimmermans.eu