Índice de Compositores Contemporâneos
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Seu portal interativo para o mundo dos compositores contemporâneos
  • para se tornar parte da comunicade criativa de músicos!
  • para publicar, promover e distribuir seu trabalho ao redor do globo!
  • para apresentar você e toda sua criatividade à amantes da música de todo mundo!
  • para vender sua música e direitos de execução para intérpretes!

Donald J. Stewart

PaísEstados Unidos da América

Music is made as life itself, it breathes and pulses with energy. Comprised of rhythmic and harmonic "cells", each independent of the other, like the colors of isorhythms. Ever-replicating-partially and fully—slowly mutating, evolving-creating ever-larger cells of gesture and phrase, which eventually bear new forms. Articulations and orchestrations interpolating patterns of pitch and rhythm born as the infinite diversity of being...Success relies on the fragile balance of Composer-Listener-Nature... for this truly transcends the pure physicality of sound waves and life becomes the music itself.

...born in Seattle on June 6, 1970. grew up on the Salish-Kootenai reservation in Arlee...

...attended Gonzaga University, majored in both music composition and broadcast studies, studying composition under J. Kevin Waters, S.J.

..studied with Allen Sapp at the University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music, then at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena under Franco Donatoni and at the Gruppo Aperto Musicale Oggi in Florence under Sylvano Bussotti.

Donald J. Stewart