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J.Jay Berthume

BeschäftigungsartArrangeur, Komponist, Interpret, Lehrer
RubrikenKlassische Musik, Zeitgenössische Musik, Elektronische Musik, Gospelmusik, Jazz, Lateinamerikanische Musik, Minimalismus, Neoklassische Musik, New Age, Andere, Popmusik, Reggae, Rockmusik, Rock and Roll, Geistliche Musik, Soundtrack/Filmmusik, Weltmusik, Experimentalmusik, Vokalmusik

Ever since J.Jay can remember, he has been composing music one way or another. When he was five years old, he was captivated by the soundtrack to the old, somewhat cheesy movie "The Neverending Story". Plunking out that memorable theme on the piano was his first exposure to making music himself. After that, he soon desired to create his own tunes that others could hum and love, having been immensely inspired by not only the works of the masters (Beethoven, Holst, Mahler, Bach, Respigi), but also of today's underrated masters of music for film and video games. John Williams and Koji Kondo are two of his favorite composers, and his compositional style draws from these influences. Though he is young, he has studied many genres of music intensely, from romanticism and impressionism to jazz, electronica, and exotic world music. He loves all forms of musical brilliance and sincerity, and hopes that one day his music, Lord willing, can be as beautiful as that of his inspirers.

J.Jay Berthume