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Ludmila Yurina

RubrikenZeitgenössische Musik, Elektronische Musik, Andere

Graduated from Kiev Music College as a pianist (1981) and from Kiev State P.I.Tchaikovsky Conservatoire as a composer (1990, Prof.E.Stankovych).Attended master-courses with eminent musicians P-H.Dittrich, I.Arditti, H.Zapf, G.Stäbler, J.Durand (Rheinsberg, Germany) as well as with H.Lachenmann and W.Rihm (Dresden, Germany).
In 1990—1992 was the Music Director of the theatre studios «Kolo» and «ARS» (Kiev). Since 1993 she has been a member and a coordinator of the Organising Committee of the International Youth Music Forum (Kiev, Ukraine).
Since 1995 have works as Associated Professor of Department of composition at the National Music Academy of Ukraine (composition and orchestration) .
Guest-composer :
-Flute master-course at the Rheinsberg Music Academy (Germany, 1999),
- lecture about contemporary Ukrainian music at the High Music School in Stuttgart (Germany, 2006) ,
-at the Texas Christian University ( USA,2008).
Creative residences:
-Künstlerhof Schreyahn, Germany, 1998;
-Experimental Electronic Music Studio of Südwestrundfunk (by the Heinrich-Strobel-Stiftung, Freiburg, Germany, 1999);
-Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Research, Science and Art (Baden-Baden, Germany, 2001);
-International Center for composers aka VICC (Gotland,Sweden, 2005,2006).
In 2010 got a scholarship from Fulbright Foundation to the Stanford University, CCRMA (USA).
Participated in numerous international festivals; works have been performed in Ukraine, Russia, Germany, France, USA, Italy, Finland, Estonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, etc.
Recordings of her music were produced on the CD «Two Days and Two Nights of New Music: Festivals 1998—2000» and by the Radio «Deutsche Welle» (Germany), Canadian broadcasting (Edmonton) and the Ukrainian National TV and Radio Company. Her works were published by «Muzychna Ukrajina» Publishing House (Ukraine) and "Frederic Harris Music Publishing " (Canada).

Ludmila Yurina