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Maka (Maya) Virsaladze


1996 year graduated with honor Tbilisi State Conservatory Composers, Music science faculties , 1998 year finished post-graduated course as composer,
1999 year took part in the master-classes and seminars under the leadership of Professors Osvaldas Balakauskas and Folke Rabe in Buckow (Germany),
2000 year master –classes under Krzystof Meyer, Faraj Karaev(Baku, Azerbaijan) ,
2000-2001 guest –student at Professor Walter Zimmerman’s class (training course) in Berlin Hoch-schule der Kunste.

Activity, participation:
Since 1998 member of Georgian Composers’ and Musicologist’ Union;
Since 1998 member and one of the founder of the Georgian Young Composers and Musicologists Association;
2000 participated in “European Composers Informal Meetings” in Baku, Azerbaijan ;
2001 participated in “European Composers Informal Meetings”in Krakow, Poland;
2001-2007 works as an animator –leader of art sessions for the organization FDHR in Tbilisi with funding from the Dutch creative therapy project War Child.
2005 works as a coordinator in the creative therapy project (at the organization FDHR).
Since 2006 year works at Tbilisi State Conservatory Composers faculty as assistant professor.
Since 2007 a leader of composition’s branch at S. Paliashvili Special music school.
Since 2008 year a board member of Georgian Composers’ and Musicologist’ Union

Awards, prizes, main performances:
2001 year selected for Berlin Catholic church “Wilmersdorf’s” event as composer; commissioned chamber choir-cantata “Alma Mater” was performed by Junger Kammerchor Fridenau.
2002 year “Two wings” for violin and accordion performed by Duo Cadence at the New Music Festival Two Days and Two Nights of New Music in Odessa , Ukraine.
“Maeztoso” for Piano and “Ostinato” for instrumental ensemble was performed at days of Georgian cultures in Vienna , Austria .
“Millennium” for piano and “Enigma N.2” for clarinet and piano was performed at the new-music festival Russian Autumn (Moscow, Russia).
2003 year selected for musical project in Netherlands “Voices from Mountains ” by Netherlands saxophone Quartet Aurelia (Commission piece for saxophone quartet was performed in Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, Alkmaar, Groningen, Zwolle , Netherlands ).
2004 year selected for musical project in Netherlands “Cantors” and the commissioned “The Future is Sacred “was performed in Zwolle, Netherlands by Newman Ensemble ,
2005 year composer in residence in Switzerland- festival Menhir (commission Triptych for Soprano and Symphony Orchestra “Through thousand glasses”, words by contemporary Swizz(on Romansh language) poetess Tereza Ruiters-Seeli ).
2008 year in April had author’s concert in Georgian symphony music centre with conducting of Simon Camartin (Switzerland) and Nikolaz Memanishvili (Georgia).
2009 year “Hallelujah” for mixed choir was performed in Zurich and in Ilanz (Switzerland) in festival Menhir, by Zurich radio choir -DRS-Singers.
Her honors include the Georgian Ministry of Culture Prize (1994, for Three Romances), a listing in the directory Outstanding Musicians of the 20th Century (2000, Cambridge Biographical Centre), a listing in the web-site www. the living composers project etc.
Her music has been performed in Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Germany, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine.

Maka (Maya) Virsaladze