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Paolo Alberto Rismondo

BeschäftigungsartKomponist, Musikwissenschaftler
RubrikenZeitgenössische Musik

Lives and works near Venice. Composition studies in Padova (master degree in Composition and Choir composition and choir conducting at the Padova and Ferrara Conservatory respectively - with M° W. Dalla Vecchia). Musicological studies at the Bologna University (with master degree).
He attended various composition courses, both in Italy and abroad: Lanciano, Fiesole – with M° Giacomo Manzoni – Conegliano – with M° W. Dalla Vecchia – Vienna Wiener Sommerseminäre für Neue Musik 1996, Darmstadt Ferienkurse 1996 and 1998 – where he attended lessons and courses held by B. Ferneyhough, K. Huber, K. Stockhausen, M. Spahlinger, L. Lombardi, H.P. Kyburz, H. Lachenmann, J. Estrada (among others) -, Szombhathély 1999 (Hungary), with M. Jarrell and M. Stroppa; Impulse International Ensemble Academy (Graz 2000), with Beat Furrer. His compositions are performed in Italy and abroad; he was also recipient of international ("Spontini" prize for sacred music 2001, "Città di Udine" 1999-2000, "Città di Pavia" 2002 – 2. prize, "A. Manoni" organ composition prize - Senigallia), and national composition awards (Franco Margola, for woodwind quintet, Varenna competition for organ and instruments; "Cantar Saba" U.S.C.I - Trieste for mixed choir).
Some of his compositions are: Cinque Immagini for flute, clarinet, violin, viola, and piano (1992-93, first perf. Venice, Mocenigo Palace); Vortici, for flute, piano and live electronics (1992-93, first perf. Conegliano, Auditorium); Sonata da Camera for ten instruments (1993, first perf. Venice, Levi Foundation, Giustinian-Lolin Palace); ...douceur de l’apparence..., Raummusik per Alberto Viani, for small ensemble with electronics (1993-1994); Osservato dall’esterno/I, for flute, clarinet and harp (first perf. Lanciano, Auditorium Diocleziano); Osservato dall’esterno/III, for flute and guitar (1995, first perf. Darmstadt, 38. Ferienkurse ’96); Echi e risonanze, for alto saxophone and piano (1995,first perf. Iesi, Sala del Lampadario); Altri echi, for alto saxophone solo (1995, first perf. Fiesole, Villa la Torraccia); Es bedarf mehr als eine Brücke… (Osservato dall’esterno/II), for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano (1997); Volo, for solo viola (1997); Subito, for large ensemble (1997); Tre metalli for flute, guitar and percussions (1997); Frontale, for large ensemble (1997-1998); Cinque pezzi, for woodwind quintet (1998; awarded at the 3rd national concours "Franco Margola" in Orzinuovi – Brescia); Dialogo I, for alto saxophone and organ (1998, third prize winner at the biennial concourse for organ composition of Varenna, Como); Subito, full orchestra version (1999); Cantica, for mixed choir with soloists (1999); Atemwende, for organ (1999), Decima Fuga, for mixed choir, four voices (1999) (awarded at the "Cantar Saba" - Trieste choir composition concours, 1999); String Quartet (2000; first perf. Udine, Auditorium S. Giorgio; awarded at the Premio Internazionale Città di Udine 2000); Cantica for vocal soloists, choir and chamber orchestra (2001, first prize at Spontini international concours, first perf. Maiolati Spontini, cond. R. Fabbriciani), Dialogo Notturno for flute, violin, viola, cello, and guitar (2001-2, awarded 2. prize at the 2002 Città di Pavia international concours).
Between 2004 and 2006 he wrote a three volume study about the 17th century composer Massimiliano Neri (or Negri) - more information here; a extensive account of the biographical part alone is published by Rivista Internazionale di Musica Sacra (n° 26, 2005/II), pp. 58-109.
His works are published by Neopoiesis edition (Palermo), Agenda (Bologna), Rugginenti (Milano), and TauKay (Udine)

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