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Sinan Alimanovic

BeschäftigungsartArrangeur, Komponist, Dirigent, Interpret, Lehrer
RubrikenBlues, Jazz, Jazzrock

Sinan Alimanović ( piano, organ, keyboard, leader, composer, conductor, arranger ) was born in 1954 into a musical family. He studied music at the Academies in Skopje, Pristina and Sarajevo. He has played in many different rock, jazz – rock and jazz groups as well in big bands. He was one of the members and leader of the fusion band from Pristina called 'Kosovski bozuri'. In the 70s he was permanent member of the Show Orchestra of RTV Pristina as a pianist and conductor, only to leave for Sarajevo in 1979 where he developed an especially lively activity, mainly as a member of the rhythm section of the Big Orchestra RTV Sarajevo ( later B&H ), but also as an arranger, composer and conductor. Working in the Big Band RTV B&H, he also performed with and led smaller ensembles playing his original compositions, which were frequently based on the Balkans ( mainly bebop ). Sinan Alimanovic has had a stormy and rich career, which includes collaboration with many scenes, such as: Gianni Basso, Dusko Gojkovic, Erich Kleinschuster, Alvin Quin, Vaclav Zahradnik, Stjepko Gut, Petar Ugrin, Ladislav Fidri, Barbara Hendrix, Aladar Pege, Deseö Csaba, Lee Harper and many others. With his small bands and big orchestras he has preformed at a number of festivals thoughout Europe, ranging from Novi Sad and Valjevo, to Prague, Bled, Radenaca, Sweden, Stockholm, and other destination. Devoted to blues, swing and bebop roots, as a pianist he is a musician of high technique and powerful dynamics, an original composer and arranger who writes music for small and big bands, has a large discography as small band leader, as well as a sideman in big orchestras. The CD 'Sarajevo Remake' ( 2003 ), where he leads his own Quintet, is one of his albums. CD 'Bosnia Groove“ ( 2007 ) is the crown of his music career. In addition to everything previously mentioned, Sinan Alimanovic was also a member of 'Indexi', and for this legendary group he wrote a number of arrangements and adaptations of some traditional Bosnian love songs. He plays the Hammond organ, he was a member of the EBU / UER Public Jazz Orchestra twice, and since 1990 he has led the Big Band RTV Sarajevo ( B&H ), and appeared as a conductor and arranger at the European Song Contest five times. He is one of the founders of the Sarajevo Big Band with wich he appeared on the big gala concert in the Olympic Hall 'Zetra' in Sarajevo 2000side by side with Dusko Gojkovic, Indexi and many others. Later this concert was documented on the double CD – box 'The Biggest Concert in Town'. Sinan Alimanovic is now profesor on Music academy in Sarajevo.

Sinan Alimanovic