Contemporary Composers Index
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Wilmer Flores


Master Degree in Music with Mention in Composition from the University Simón Bolívar (Universidad Simón Bolívar, USB / Caracas). Arts Graduate with Mention in Music from the School of Arts of the Central University of Venezuela (Escuela de Artes de la Universidad Central de Venezuela UCV / Caracas). Music Graduate with Mention Composition at the University College for Music Studies IUDEM (Instituto Universitario de Estudios Musicales, IUDEM / Caracas). Graduated from the Phonology Institute of Caracas (Instituto de Fonología - Caracas) where he carried
out electroacustic music studies. He is a founding composer member and still holds chair to the Antonio Estévez Latin-American Composition Professorship in Caracas (Cátedra Latinoamericana de Composición
Antonio Estévez CLACAE / Caracas). He has composed music for theater plays, electroacustic music, chamber music, music for orchestra and vocal music.

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